We note that the Victorian Premier has announced that next week, all remaining pandemic restrictions will be relaxed. We are thankful to God! We expect this to be our final update on our COVID-19 response: From 13 October 2022 onwards The Session will no longer ask you to limit activities in any specific way due […]
Our Archive
With the improving situation as Winter ends and Spring begins, here is our latest COVIDSafe plan: Sunday Services & Other Events There are no limits on the number of people attending events on the church property. Vaccination is not required. We continue to run a single service at 10am, noting: This service is also be […]
This update to our COVIDSafe plan includes the following:– A request that masks be worn indoors during the Sunday services– We have combined our “infection response policy” into this document Sunday Services & Other Events There are no limits on the number of people attending events on the church property, vaccination is not required. We […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, There have been further relaxations of COVID restrictions, and in the light of these, our COVIDSafe plan is as follows: Sunday Services & Other Events There are no limits on the number of people attending events on the church property, vaccination is not required. From Sunday 6 […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, There have been further relaxations of COVID restrictions, and in the light of these, our COVIDSafe plan is as follows: Sunday Services & Other Events There are no limits on the number of people attending events on the church property, vaccination is not required. From Sunday 6 […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, There have been further relaxations of COVID restrictions, and in the light of these, our COVIDSafe plan is as follows: Sunday Services No booking is required to attend church, and there are no limits on the number of people attending, and no vaccination status is required. On […]
Update on COVID-19 Response Reservoir Presbyterian Church – 18 December 2021 Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, There have been further relaxations of COVID restrictions, and in the light of these, our COVIDSafe plan is as follows: Sunday Services No booking is required to attend church, and there are no limits on the […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, Recently the Presbyterian Church of Victoria said: “With the love of the Lord Jesus working in and through us, encourage the vaccinated in PCV congregations to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards the unvaccinated and encourage the unvaccinated to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, Recently the Presbyterian Church of Victoria said: “With the love of the Lord Jesus working in and through us, encourage the vaccinated in PCV congregations to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards the unvaccinated and encourage the unvaccinated to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards […]
Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church, Recently the Presbyterian Church of Victoria said: “With the love of the Lord Jesus working in and through us, encourage the vaccinated in PCV congregations to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards the unvaccinated and encourage the unvaccinated to show a measure of self-sacrificing flexibility towards […]