
Contact Details

Reservoir Presbyterian Church
PO Box 195
Reservoir, VIC 3073


General Enquiries
[email protected]


Property Enquiries
Lois Cox | 0412 111 206

Contact Form

    Giving Details

    Any financial contributions towards Reservoir Presbyterian Church will enable us, by God’s grace to continue expanding and extending our ministry within Reservoir and beyond. If you would like to make a financial donation there are a couple of options:


    • Cash: Provide a cash donation in the blue offering bag at the end of our Sunday church service


    • Cheques: Please make cheques payable to “St Andrews Presbyterian Church”


    • Direct Deposit:


    Bank Commonwealth Bank
    Account Name St Andrews Presbyterian Church
    BSB 063 385
    Account Number 1000 6582
    Description Offering

    Legal Details

    Our ABN is  62 652 061 546

    You can view our ANCN registration here.