COVID-19 Update 26 February 2022

Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,

There have been further relaxations of COVID restrictions, and in the light of these, our COVIDSafe plan is as follows:

Sunday Services & Other Events

  • There are no limits on the number of people attending events on the church property,
  • vaccination is not required.
  • From Sunday 6 March onwards, we’ll run a single service at 10am, noting:
    • This service is also be live-streamed on our YouTube  channel ( ).
    • Kids’ Church will meet in the halls.
  • Morning tea will continue, and a church lunch will be held on 6 March.
  • Playgroup, STA & English Classes & small group continue to meet.

COVIDSafe Principles

Those who attend the church property will follow these COVIDSafe principles:

  • If you have any COVID symptoms, or are in quarantine, you must stay home.
  • Where possible, please keep 1.5m distance from others (unless you’re from the same household).
  • You should carry a mask with you, and wear it in situations where it is not practical to physically distance.

Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever (Psalm 145:2)

Your servants,

The Reservoir PC Session.