
Kids Church
10am Service
We believe that God loves kids, and calls them to know him through Jesus Christ. Kids’ Church is a fun opportunity for children to learn songs, bible stories and how to pray.
Kids’ church is open to all children pre-school to grade 6. Visitors are welcome, even if you are not from a Christian background. We teach from the bible using material produced by Kidswise.
Kids’ church runs during our 10am service. Families should come by 10am, and will be together for the first part of the service. The children will go our to kids’ church after about 20 minutes. Pickup is from the hall at the back after the service.
Our church follows the SafeChurch policy of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. This includes ensuring that all teachers have a Working with Children Check.

STA Welcome Centre
Tuesdays 1-4pm
STA Welcome Centre is run each Tuesday afternoon during the school terms from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm in the Church Hall.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join in the various activities or just sit and chat. Some people just like to talk to improve their conversational English.
We have computers available to type resumes, search for employment or just seek information on the Internet.
There are board games to play or even something more active if you like.
Come along and enjoy a cuppa with us.
Enquiries: contact Doug or Diane Ph. 9467 4439

English Classes
Thursdays 10:30am - 12:30pm During School Term
At our free English classes, we learn new words, practise conversation, listening and grammar. We also read bible stories.
Enter from Edwardes Street and come to the Hall behind the church. Enter by the door near the ramp.
These classes are free, and open to everyone (including students, refugees and residents). New students are welcome.
For more information, contact Lois: 0412 111 206, [email protected]
The 2025 program is available here.

Women's Ministry
Several times a year the women of the congregation get together to encourage one another in living for Christ. Sometimes these are outings, designed to bring a friend; sometimes these are prayer retreats to enable you to spend some intentional time drawing near to God; sometimes these are teaching sessions to help us follow Jesus. Check out the calendar page for any upcoming women’s events.

Small Groups
Joining a group is an opportunity to explore God’s word, but it is also much more: a chance to get to know
others, to pray together, and to encourage one another.
Our groups welcome new members! It’s a good idea to ring the contact person before you come for the first time, because times and locations occasionally change. Most of our groups do not meet during school holidays.
Please note that some of our groups have stopped regular meetings during COVID19 resitrctions; while those listed below continue to meet on Zoom.
Small Groups Overview
The follow groups are currently meeting:
Where | When | Especially for… |
Bundoora | 7:30pm 2nd & 4th Tuesdays | Adults |
Reservoir | 6:30pm every second Wednesday | Young adults |
Church hall | 10:00am 2nd & 4th Wednesdays | Women (KYB) |
Wollert | 7:30pm every second Friday | Northern region |
If you’d like to join a group, please contact [email protected]