We’ll remember the death and resurrection of Christ in three particular ways this year:
Reading of the gospel of Mark
Thursday, 1 April 2021, 7pm-9:30pm
We will watch a video David Suchet read the entire gospel of Mark. It will take just over 2 hours (with a coffee break in the middle). This is a chance to hear the whole story of Jesus ministry, death and resurrection in one sitting.
Good Friday Services
Friday 2 April, 9am and 11am
We will run two services, with numbers limited according to our COVIDSafe plan. We will also livestream the 11am service.
The focus will be on the death of Christ; how he was rejected by humans but chosen by God.
Resurrection Sunday services
Sunday 4 April, 10am and 5pm
Again there will be two services, this time morning and evening, (with the 10am service live-streamed).
The focus will be on the resurrection of Christ; how this was a mighty act of God which brings us joy.
We hope you can join us this Easter. If you have any questions, please call Pastor Andrew on 9460 9523.
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