Come and join us as we remember the death and resurrection of Christ this Easter. Wednesday 27 March, 7:30pm – We’ll be in the church all to hear a dramatic reading of the passion week from Luke’s gospel. Hear about the death of a righteous man. Friday 29 March, 10am – We’ll gather in the […]
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Please join us to this Easter to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Visitors welcome! Wednesday 13th April – we will meet in the church hall at 7:30pm for a dramatic re-telling of the last week of Jesus’ life, from the pages of John’s gospel. Friday 15th April – We gather at 10am […]
We’ll remember the death and resurrection of Christ in three particular ways this year: Reading of the gospel of Mark Thursday, 1 April 2021, 7pm-9:30pm We will watch a video David Suchet read the entire gospel of Mark. It will take just over 2 hours (with a coffee break in the middle). This is a […]