COVID-19 Update 11 June 2021

Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,

In the light of the latest changes to COVID restrictions, here is our COVIDSafe policy, effective from 11 June 2021 onwards:

Sunday Services

  • We will run our live-stream at 10am on our YouTube channel (
  • For the 10am service:
    • We can have a maximum of 34 people in the church building, plus those running the service. If you wish to attend, please contact Pastor Dean to book-in.
    • Kids Church will run in the Kids’ Church hall. Parents should take their children directly to the hall, and pick them up at the end of the service.
    • We may have a small number of people watching the stream in the church hall; we can have a maximum of 50 people on the church property at any time, plus those required to run the service.
  • At the 5pm service, we can have a maximum of 34 people attending, plus those running the service. Regular attenders do not need to book in. Visitors are welcome, and if you are bringing friends, please inform Pastor Andrew.

Weekly Events

  • Playgroup, STA, English Classes and other events may resume at the decision of the event organiser. Please note that there is a maximum of 10 people allowed, plus the leader.
  • Small Groups may meet either on the church property or continue electronically. (Note: the church Zoom account may be available for your use). We can’t meet in private homes.

COVIDSafe Principles

All who attend the church property must observe the following COVIDSafe principles:

  • If you have any COVID symptoms, or are in quarantine, you must stay home.
  • If you attend an event on the church property, you must sign-in. The QR code is at the entrance; you’ll need to use the Service Victoria app. Those who do not have a suitable smartphone, should seek assistance from someone else to ensure that they are signed-in.
  • Where possible, please keep 1.5m distance from others (unless you’re from the same household).
  • You must wear a mask inside, unless speaking to the camera.
  • After any use of the buildings, surfaces and doorhandles in that space must be wiped down.

“God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:8)

Your servants,

The Reservoir PC Session.