Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,
In the light of the latest changes to COVID restrictions, here is our COVIDSafe policy, effective from 18 June 2021 onwards:
Sunday Services
- We will run our live-stream at 10am on our YouTube channel (
- For the 10am service:
- We can have up to 34 people in the church building and 25 in the hall, plus those running the service.
- Kids Church will run in the Kids’ Church hall, with a maximum of 10 children attending. Parents should take children directly to the hall, & pick them up at the end of the service.
- We can have a maximum of 75 people on the church property at any time, plus those required to run the service.
- At the 5pm service, we can have a maximum of 34 people attending, plus those running the service.
- Regular attenders do not need to book in. Visitors are welcome, and if you are bringing friends, please inform Pastor Andrew.
Weekly Events
- Playgroup, STA, English Classes and other events may resume at the decision of the event organiser. Please note that there is a maximum of 10 people allowed, plus the leader.
- Small Groups may meet either on the church property or continue electronically. (Note: the church Zoom account may be available for your use). We can’t meet in private homes.
COVIDSafe Principles
All who attend the church property must observe the following COVIDSafe principles:
- If you have any COVID symptoms, or are in quarantine, you must stay home.
- If you attend an event on the church property, you must sign-in. The QR code is at the entrance; you’ll need to use the Service Victoria app. Those who do not have a suitable smartphone, should seek assistance from someone else to ensure that they are signed-in.
- Where possible, please keep 1.5m distance from others (unless you’re from the same household).
- You must wear a mask inside, unless speaking to the camera.
- After any use of the buildings, surfaces and doorhandles in that space must be wiped down.
We are “confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6)
Your servants,
The Reservoir PC Session.