COVID-19 Update: 16 May 2020

Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,

Well done caring for each other so far through the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been encouraging over the last week to hear the National Cabinet’s three-step plan for re-opening many parts of Australian life. Our church elders met this week to discuss how we as a church can start meeting face-to-face again.

We understand that some of you can’t wait for the day when we are all in one room, singing God’s praise together. We also understand that some of you will be wanting to come, but also mourning the impending loss of a quiet, private space. We expect that some will also feel a little anxious about the risks of infection if we resume meeting. And so, we aim to return gradually, continuing to take wise and loving precautions along the way.

Step Two: Mostly Online (from 1st June)

Are present we are operating as follows:

  • Encourage most people to continue joining Sunday services online.
  • Open the church to up to 20 people, plus those on the roster. 
    • Again you will not be able to just turn up on the day, it will have to be arranged, because we do not want to have to turn anyone away at the door.
    • Priority will still be given to those without access to the livestream,
    • Plus we also hope to offer a rotating invitation (based on where your name comes in the alphabet)
  • Resume all church rosters (except morning tea / dinner).
  • Permit small groups and weekly programs to recommence as per guidelines, (which will be sent to group leaders when we know exactly what those guidelines are).
  • We do not expect to serve food and drink at church events.


To find out about our plans for Steps 1 & 3, you can read the full details here.