Dear people of God at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,
Now that we have entered stage 4 restrictions, even more of you will be spending your days at home. This makes it all the more important to keep in touch with one another, and be especially thoughtful of those among us who suffer from mental illness.
What does stage 4 mean for church activities?
Church Continues Online-Only:
We will continue to run our live-stream at 10am and 5pm every Sunday. Nobody is allowed in the building, except those necessary to run the live-stream (5 people maximum). If you are invited to attend in the church building to participate in producing the live stream, please note the following:
- There’s no pressure for you to attend: if you’d rather not, please tell one of the ministers.
- You will need a letter from one of the ministers to explain why you need to leave home.
- You will need to sign-in and sign-out using a clipboard inside the church building.
- We need to clean surfaces before we leave.
- We must wear masks in church, except when we are speaking to the camera.
- Of course, you may not attend if you:
- Have COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms,
- Are in quarantine because you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.
- Kids church continues over Zoom for term 3. (Details have be sent to the parents).
- No onsite work may be done at the church during stage 4, including lawn mowing.
- Most of our small groups are continuing online-only.
- Weekly activities (STA, Playgroup, English Classes), if they run, will be online-only.
Friends, let us not grow weary of doing good; let us not grow weary of praying to God for mercy on our city. Should our God not have concern for the great city of Melbourne, in which there are more than four million people who cannot tell their right hand from their left? (see Jonah 4:11)
In Christ,
The Session of Reservoir Presbyterian Church