Dear brothers and sisters at Reservoir Presbyterian Church,
You have probably heard that from tomorrow, we’ll be able to have limited numbers of people meeting inside the church building. Praise God! This is an unexpected blessing (it wasn’t part of the previously announced “roadmap”). What does it mean for us as a church?
From Wednesday 28 October:
- We will continue to run our live-stream at 10am and 5pm every Sunday.
- We can have up to 10 people (plus the preacher) in the church building:
- If you would like to attend the morning service, please contact Dean.
- If you would like to attend the evening service, please contact Andrew.
- Kids church will continue over Zoom.
- Lawn mowing and church cleaning rosters will resume (we’ll send around the November roster as soon as possible).
- Small groups can continue to meet either online; or if your group would like to meet in the church hall, the group leader should check availability with Dean.
- Weekly activities:
- STA may resume for up to 10 people (no food or drinks will be served), please contact Doug.
- Playgroup may resume for up to 10 people meeting outside. To attend, please contact Suzy.
- English Classes will continue online-only for now.
- Prayer picnics can go ahead outdoors, with up to 20 people plus a leader.
- At all church events, we will follow these COVIDSafe principles:
- If you have any COVID symptoms, or are in quarantine, you must stay home.
- If you attend an event on the church property, you must sign-in and sign-out, using the clipboard in the foyer.
- When you sit, please ensure that you leave 1.5m distance from others (unless you’re from the same household).
- After any use of the buildings, surfaces and doorhandles must be wiped down.
- Everyone must continue to wear a mask, except when speaking from the lectern.
From Monday 9 November:
We expect that the number of people allowed in church will increase to 20. We need to wait for further details about this, and will send out another update when this happens.
In Christ,
The Session of Reservoir Presbyterian Church